Case of Sebastian Ramirez Ledesma

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Sebastian Ramirez Ledesma was found guilty of murdering his father by the lower court. The lower court sentence was confirmed by the Court of Appeals. However, in 1997, the Supreme Court overturned the sentence and absolved the accused of all charges because he acted in self-defense. On the day the events took place, Joaquin Ramirez, father of the accused was drunk and threatening to kill his wife, Francisca Ledesma de Ramirez. Joaquin Ramirez regularly hit his wife. In light of these circumstances, the accused intervened trying to defend his mother, which enraged his father. Joaquin Ramirez took out a gun and fired three shots at the accused, missing him. Then, Joaquin Ramirez continued the aggression against his wife. Subsequently, the accused was able to grab the gun from his father. When Joaquin Ramirez realized that his son took the gun, he took out a knife. At this point, the accused fired the gun at his father, killing him. The Supreme Court overturned the sentence because it found that the accused was acting in self-defense and also was trying to protect his mother.

El tribunal inferior declaró a Sebastián Ramírez Ledesma culpable de asesinar a su padre. La sentencia de éste tribunal fue confirmada por el Tribunal de Apelaciones. Sin embargo, en 1997, la Corte Suprema anuló la decisión y absolvió al acusado de todos los cargos por actuar en legítima defensa propia. El día en que ocurrieron los hechos, Joaquín Ramírez, padre del imputado, estaba ebrio y amenazaba con matar a su esposa, Francisca Ledesma de Ramírez. Joaquín Ramírez golpeaba regularmente a su esposa. Ante estas circunstancias, el imputado intervino tratando de defender a su madre, lo que enfureció a su padre. Joaquín Ramírez sacó un arma y disparó tres tiros al imputado, fallando. Luego, Joaquín Ramírez continuó la agresión contra su esposa. Posteriormente, el imputado pudo arrebatarle el arma a su padre. Cuando Joaquín Ramírez se dio cuenta de que su hijo tomó la pistola, sacó un cuchillo. En este punto, el acusado disparó contra su padre y lo mató. La Corte Suprema anuló la sentencia porque encontró que el acusado actuó en defensa propia y también en defensa de otros, tratando de proteger a su madre.



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